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7-Day Free Trial To Health And Wellness App Noom

Jason Briscoe on Unsplash


The dieting industry generates billions of dollars each year, yet so many people struggle to make traditional dieting programs work for them. This is because there is no one-size-fits-all solution to dieting. In reality, every body responds differently to certain foods, exercises, habits, or routines. Plus, there are all kinds of variables at play — including age, genetics, and health history.

Enter Noom, the subscription-based mobile app that is revolutionizing the way people track food and exercise. Noom is more than your run-of-the-mill calorie counting app. This company takes a psychology-based approach to health and wellness, focusing on changing habits and behavior rather than just the numbers that appear on the scale.

Noom treats every person on a case-by-case basis by constructing a diet and exercise plan specifically tailored to them. Take 10 minutes to fill out Noom’s questionnaire, which will contain questions about your current weight and weight loss goals, as well as a behavioral profile quiz. Noom will then provide you with a detailed plan on how to achieve your healthier and happier lifestyle!

What you’ll get:

  • 7-day free trial to the Noom mobile app for iOS and Android.
  • Personalized plan for your health and weight loss goals.
  • Health articles, quizzes, and advice to impact behavioral change.
  • Mental health and stress management resources.
  • Support from Noom coaches, including one-to-one coaching.
  • Ability to log meals and workouts from your smartphone.
  • Extensive database of food product information.
  • Ability to scan barcodes and instantly log ingredients.
  • … and more!

About Noom / Noom website:

Founded in 2008, Noom is a digital health company developed by real nutritionists and dieticians. The company combines psychology, technology, and human coaching to deliver a powerful mobile app that helps people take back control of their health and create lasting change in their lives.


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